
No longer children, and not yet adults, adolescents fall through the cracks in many ways. Rapid developmental changes and risky behaviors leave them inherently vulnerable and susceptible. As a group, they are also underserved by dentists. Compared to children ages 6-7, adolescents ages 16-17 are 10% less likely to obtain preventive dental care (MEPS 2007).

Dental students, like yourselves, may not regard adolescents as a vulnerable population. New graduates often possess little "how to" knowledge about effectively shaping their careers in ways that meet the needs of the underserved, especially adolescents.

In This Module You Will Have The Opportunity To:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the US adolescent population, their oral health status and the special considerations needed to effectively care for them throughout your career.
  2. Explore alternative careers in private practice dentistry and in delivery systems that serve socially and medically vulnerable adolescents and young adults.

Let’s learn more about adolescents…